People about El Che Guevara
This site is made to show you, what an incredible human-being Che Guevara is.
It provides you all the basic information about 'El Chancho'.
A man of profound ideals, a man in whose mind stirred the dream of struggle'
-Fidel Castro-
-Fidel Castro-
'A man of profound ideals, a man in whose mind stirred the dream of struggle'
-Fidel Castro-
"I could write a thousand years and a million pages about Che Guevara."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez-
Che's life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom. We will always honor his memory.
-Nelson Mandela-
"Apostle of the Immaculate Revolution"
-Richard Bourne-
'Che Guevara's feats in our continent were of such magnitude that no prison or censorhip could hide them from us. Che's life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom.We always honor his memory'
-Nelson Mandela-
He was the world symbol of the possibilities of one man
-Frantz Fanon-
'When men are able to influence so many others through their life and their example, they do not die'
-Aleida Guevara March-
-Nelson Mandela-
He was the world symbol of the possibilities of one man
-Frantz Fanon-
'When men are able to influence so many others through their life and their example, they do not die'
-Aleida Guevara March-
Late birds shake their wings
On the snowy windscreen of a car,
I write
-Christopher Logue-
'His Life is a shining example for youth whose struggles are moved by the desire to build a new world'
-Graham Greene-
'Che Guevara, at the prime of his live and the height of his fame, went to flight in the Congo. In that fleeting, anonymous passage through Africa, Che Guevara was to so sow a seed that no one will destroy'
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez-
Late birds shake their wings
On the snowy windscreen of a car,
I write
-Christopher Logue-
'His Life is a shining example for youth whose struggles are moved by the desire to build a new world'
-Graham Greene-
'Che Guevara, at the prime of his live and the height of his fame, went to flight in the Congo. In that fleeting, anonymous passage through Africa, Che Guevara was to so sow a seed that no one will destroy'
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez-
He had eyes that went of forever.
Truly windows to the soul.
-Marilyn Zeitlin-
'Che was the most complete human being of his age' He lived his words, spoke his own actions,and his story and
the story of the world ran parallel'
-Jean Paul Satre-
"You may cut the flowers, but it will not stop the spring."
"Podran cortar las flores, pero no detendran la primavera."
Truly windows to the soul.
-Marilyn Zeitlin-
'Che was the most complete human being of his age' He lived his words, spoke his own actions,and his story and
the story of the world ran parallel'
-Jean Paul Satre-
"You may cut the flowers, but it will not stop the spring."
"Podran cortar las flores, pero no detendran la primavera."
(A saying about El Che's legacy written on many walls throughout Latin America)
The Struggle of Guevara against the US was the struggle of the Spirit against Matter
-Ernesto Sábato-
I tell you, his thoughts was in space before the Russians, before the Americans walked on the Moon
- Benigno-
Dariel Alarcon Ramirez
Because he was a man who fought and died for what he thought was fair, so for young people he is a man who needs to be followed.
He is not a god who needs to be praised or anything like that, just a man whose example we can follow, in always giving our best in everything we do, that's what keeps you young.
-Alberto Granados-